It is believed that the chronic inflammation in the intestines or colon can trigger the immune system to start an inflammatory process in the joints or tendons. - Michael R. Cannon, MD, a rheumatologist with Arthritis Consultants of Tidewater in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Feeling joint pain, rigidity, swelling, or redness of arthritis? You might be surprised to learn that about 25% of those with Crohn's disease can experience arthritis, a joint inflammation. This makes it the most common occurrence of Crohn's extra-intestinal (outside the digestive tract). Some older patients report winter worsening their arthritis — a phenomenon that may be related to changes in atmospheric pressure. Warm clothing and flexible exercise are the keys to keeping symptoms under control during the colder months. There are brand-name drugs as well as generic drugs to treat joint pain and Crohn's that might be recommended by the doctor. Related article: 6 Simple Exercises for Knee Pain The...